Tuesday 26 August 2014

BMW Brand Store in Brussels earns Iconic Award 2014


When BMW opened the BMW Brand Store in Brussels in March 2014, it was one of its kind in the world. The first BMW Brand Store was opened in London in 2012, followed by Paris.
Today, the Brussels store has been acknowledged for its amazing design and technology oriented brand stores in some of the top locations in the world. This store has been awarded by the German Design Council with the Iconic Award 2014 in the category “Interior Design Retail” (“Best of Best”).

BMW Brand Stores are an element of the BMW Group’s Future Retail program. It aims to enhance the customer experience and set new retail standards in the automotive industry. It is part of the BMW Group’s response to changing customer needs and expectations. A great example of this is the Brussels Brand Store which showcases a set of BMW i models displayed, assuring the visitors of BMW’s direction in creating fine environment friendly vehicles and allowing them to fully experience what the BMW i philosophy is all about.
 The head of brand Management BMW and marketing Services BMW group, Dr Steved Althaus has said “Brands have to be experienced. Conventional showrooms are giving way to platforms which encourage communication and enable experience. Our interior concept combines architecture, design and technology to create a new form of brand presence. This fundamental vision of successful modern presentation has now been recognized by the Iconic Awards.”

BMW Brand Store in Brussels has a fine interior space that is dominated by attention to detail, technological advancements and a stunning showcase of what BMW and its products stand for in the market today. The attractive design of the exhibition space invites visitors to linger, while the latest presentation technologies encourage interaction with products and brand. Visitors are able to visualize the configuration of a vehicle on an oversized screen called the Virtual Product Presenter (VPP),

Regularly changing exhibitions with different themes and installations provide insights into the different worlds of the BMW brand. More than 50,000 people have visited the Brand Store in Brussels since it opened in March 2014 with the “BMW i – eMobility” exhibition. The current “M Power & Motorsport” exhibition, which runs until early September 2014, has proved to be  another success.

 By Millie Davis

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