Friday, 26 October 2012



Hi Bloggers,

Well I cannot believe it, our buyers have done an amazing job by beating our buying record of 162 vehicles purchased in one day, that has now gone up to 200 vehicles purchased in one day.

Also we are in The Sun Newspaper today, check us out in the Motoring Section, It is a really good write up on how we purchase vehicles from auction.

Again the use of the Company Helicopter comes in to it own again allowing us to get there quicker and get the best deals for our customers.

Here is the article for you to browse over or even better go and get a copy from the news agent so you can read it for yourself.

Remember bloggers, nearly 1000 cars in group stock, so plenty to choose from, or just come on down and have a browse and a coffee.

Until next time Bloggers, keep em peeled............

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