Monday, 24 May 2010

It's time to buy a convertible!


As you are probably aware the Gumball 3000 rally was a massive success, from the launch to the after party, the lads had an 'immense' time and we are already looking forward to the 2011 event!

With the sun shining this past weekend Big Motoring World attracted hoards of customers leading to over 30 cars being sold! Convertibles are always a popular choice in this weather and you can be sure that we have a smashing selection on offer including Z4's, 3 and 6 Series and the ever popular M3.

So make sure you don't miss out on the car of your dreams and come pay Big Motoring World a visit and don't fear we are open for the whole of the bank holiday weekend.

Big Motoring World. Big enough to cope, small enough to care.

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